Dave AltmanSep 17, 2018Roger Vinson Wins Lanier Super Tournament: Son Peyton finishes 7th as co-anglerFlowery Branch’s Roger Vinson won the T-H Marine BFL Bulldog Super Tournament at Lake Lanier yesterday. His son Peyton fished his first...
Dave AltmanSep 12, 2018Lanier Super Tournament Looms: Pros weigh in on what it will take to winTournament officials hoping to dodge hurricanes and dragon boats Tough bite at the state’s biggest lake awaits Bulldog Divsion’s top pros...
Dave AltmanSep 14, 2016Roomies on the lake, Couch’s title, Eufaula’s top gunsNEWS & NOTES FROM THE BFL BULLDOG SUPER TOURNAMENT ON LAKE EUFAULA Butch and Sundance?–They Only Get Serious at First Light—What are the...